Promo videos

promo video made to entice local students to apply for a job at united colors of Benetton, a famous global fashion brand

promoting the "working with people with disabilities" training course we shot for employees of magnit, a large grocery chain with more than 26000 stores.

Photography references
Teenager insecurity
Teenager insecurity
Jewelry online store
Jewelry online store
Retouching services
Retouching services
Musical theater advertising template
Musical theater advertising template
Soldering equipment
Soldering equipment
Jewelry store
Jewelry store
3D Printing services
3D Printing services
Dentist office website
Dentist office website
Jewelry store
Jewelry store
Jewelry exhibition
Jewelry exhibition
Unsafe driving
Unsafe driving
Jewelry exhibition
Jewelry exhibition
Video references

Presentation video for a 3d printing services company

sustainable development video course sample for an hr-consulting company

please, take a look at the other 14000+ assets I produced:
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